Monday, June 04, 2007

September Dawn: Anti-Mormonism?

I came across this trailer when looking at some random movies that are on The trailer itself is rather lame in acting and did not at all get me excited about the movie. But I was amazed at how much it hated on Mormon people. The trailer makes the movie look like propaganda to get people mad at the Mormons. Kind of like antisemitism I would call this antimormonism. Watch the trailer below:

The trailer portrays the Mountain Meadows Massacre as religious terrorism implying direct involvement of Briggam Young. This one won't be winning any Key Art Awards coming up on June 15th I'm sure of it. The only good thing about this trailer is that it has an interesting topic and a new view at the Mormon religion. I will not see this movie in the theater when it is released on June 22, 2007. I give this trailer a 2/10 .

The Mountain Meadows Massacre
Official Site for September Dawn
IMDB for September Dawn


phillip said...

i don't know. the mountain meadow massacre did happen and was orchestrated by the mormons. if this movie is an attempt to discredit the entire mormon religion based on one sensationalized 19th century event, then that's probably not right. but if it's a fair assesment, then it might be worth watching. mormonism is wrought with controversy. if you have time, read john krakauer's "under the banner of heaven."

Anonymous said...

I saw this movie at an advance screening in Oklahoma and I have to say that I thought it was a Powerful film. Jon Voight was amazing and Terence Stamp was just awe-inspiring.

Even though it doesn't portray Mormons in a positive light (at that time) I think it is a bold movie and not alot of people would have had the guts to make it.

I think this movie is for an intellectual audience and will be appreciated by older viewers. I have also seen interviews with Historians that insist tat the film is extremely accurate. I highly recommend seeing it!