Sunday, June 03, 2007

Knocked Up: Movie Review

I was a bit surprised when my wife was the one trying to talk me into seeing this movie. Going into it, I knew very little about the movie other than it being directed by Judd Apatow (Anchor Man, 40 Year Old Virgin) and therefore, definitely a comedy. My wife was excited that it starred Katherine Heigl (Izzy Stevens from Grey's Anatomy) because she is a huge "Grey's" fan. I knew that in a series of movies which cries out "Questionable Content," this one would hold the same.

First thing to know going into Knocked Up is that you should expect clips of nudity, sex scenes, drug use, watching a birth, and more F-bombs than "The Departed" and "Boondock Saints" (Watch the summaries of these movies). I knew none of this. Despite all of this (and due to some of this), I laughed more at this movie than I have in a long time. The mixture of comedy between Seth Rogan and Paul Rudd (remember the "You know how I know that you're gay..." while playing Nintendo64 scene from "40 Year Old Virgin")

and the other cast in this movie brought the audience to tears in laughter. I witnessed some of the biggest laughs I have ever heard at a movie last night. Well, in the end, it turned out to be a great movie with some parts I could have done without. The funny thing is, going back to watch the trailer so I could write up my report, the previews make the movie to look pretty tame... almost like a chick flick comedy, which is why I think my wife wanted to go see it so bad in the first place. Check it out below.

With the exclusion of a few nudity clips, I give this movie an 8.5/10


BizNazMan said...

Bryan, I like the movie review this time (rather than trailer review). Keep 'em coming. Here comes the meat wagon.

Bryan Plantes said...

I would love to do movie reviews every time I post, but I just don't have that kind of time and money to be able to watch a movie every day of my life to do a review about. As I watch more movies, I will post a mixture of movie and trailer reviews. But for today... it will have to be a trailer review.