Off Topic: Three Funny Shorts from "On The Lot"
In case I don't have time to post later, here is a short post to give you something techewan (remember that joke Dragon Slayer?) for today.
There is a TV show on Fox called "On The Lot"
The show is basically an American Idol for directors of movies. Right now there are 15 directors left on the show. They have time limits (anywhere from 1 to 24 hours so far) to produce short films that are critiqued by real directors (judges) and voted on by the public. I don't watch the show, but I do watch the shorts that they put out. Here are three funny ones from this past episode I thought were funny.
Dance Man
by Adam Stein <- This guy is my favorite director on the show
Replication Theory
by Sam Friedlander <- This on was funny, but lacked a good ending
Spaced Out
by Andrew Hunt <- I just laughed at this one... no substance... no story... just funny